The Republic of the Sudan
Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Department of Media and Official Spokesperson
Press Release
In line with the established principles of the United Nations Charter regarding the respect for the sovereignty and independence of states, and in accordance with what is stated in the General Assembly resolution establishing the Human Rights Council, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs reiterates its firm rejection of the Human Rights Council’s decision today concerning the fact-finding mission in Sudan, which did not receive the support of the majority of members.
The decision mischaracterizes the situation in Sudan and contains significant bias against the Sudanese Armed Forces. It fails to consider Sudan’s real priorities at this stage, which are: ending the rebellion first, halting ongoing atrocities, clearing residences and civilian properties, including hospitals and places of worship, and facilitating the delivery of humanitarian aid, in accordance with the Jeddah Declaration.
The outcome of the vote on the resolution reflects the deep division within the Human Rights Council on this issue, confirming the justice of Sudan’s position. The Government of Sudan once again emphasizes its commitment to promoting human rights in the country and the adherence of the armed forces and all regular forces to international humanitarian law and human rights law.
Issued on October 9, 2024.