Press Release
After reviewing the statement issued by the United States Secretary of State yesterday regarding the crisis in Sudan, the State Department would like to point out the following:
First: The Ministry of Foreign Affairs welcomes the US government’s findings that the rebel Rapid Support Forces (RSF) has committed crimes against humanity, ethnic cleansing, crimes of sexual violence, attacking and kidnapping women and girls, and targeting displaced people and those fleeing the fighting, in a manner similar to genocide.
Second: The Ministry reject the accusation contained in the statement of the armed forces of committing war crimes. It is an accusation that has no basis in fact.
Third: The Ministry also rejects the generalized allegations that equate the armed forces with the RSF with responsibility for unleashing horrific violence, death and destruction, detaining civilians, and killing some of them in detention sites, because these practices are what the RSF carries out exclusively, and accusing the armed forces for them is not based on any basis.
Fourth: The statement completely ignored referring to the duty and right of the Armed Forces, the legitimate national army, to defend the country and the people and protect the headquarters of its leadership, in the face of aggression by RSF ,targeting all components of life, sovereignty and civil life in the country. The Ministry brings to mind the American government’s justification for the aggression that continues against defenseless people in the name of the right to self-defense.
Fifth: The statement did not mention any of the other serious crimes committed by the RSF, such as its occupation of hundreds of thousands of citizens’ homes in the capital, the displacement of at least 5 million of its residents, and the conversion of hospitals, universities, places of worship, and other civilian objects into military barracks, in violation of what it committed to doing in the Jeddah Declaration of Humanitarian Principles signed last May 11 practices that resemble slavery against kidnapped girls.
Sixth: The statement also ignored mentioning the countries that continue to supply the RSF with weapons and mercenaries, and have close relations with the United States, which makes these countries partners and responsible for crimes against humanity and ethnic cleansing committed by the RSF, despite the overwhelming and documented testimonies about the role of these countries and the demands of Congress. A number of organizations and experts urged the United States government to take a clear position on these countries.
In conclusion, the Government of Sudan renews its readiness to engage positively with the United States Government to clarify the facts of what is happening in the country and the possible means to end the crisis. Thursday, December 7